30 June 2023
lions with cubs, leopard, giraffe, elephants, crocodile
29 June 2023
17 wild dogs, elephants, buffalo, lions with cubs, leopard, giraffe
28 June 2023
lions with cubs, genet, bushy-tailed mongoose, giraffe, kudu, hyena
27 June 2023
wild dogs, leopard, lion cubs, 12 giraffe together, 2 male lions eating a zebra, hyena
26 June 2023
lions and cubs, leopard, crocodiles, elephants, zebra, giraffe, civet, genet, kudu
25 June 2023
leopard, hyena, giraffe, elephants, buffalo
24 June 2023
giraffe, zebra, elephants, hippos, leopard with cub, porcupine, hyena
23 June 2023
leopard, elephants, giraffe, buffalo, genet, crocodiles
22 June 2023
wild dogs, lions with cubs, elephants, zebra, giraffe, mongoose,
21 June 2023
lioness, giraffe, kudu, elephants, leopard, genet, crocodiles
20 June 2023
lions, giraffe, buffalo, baby elephant being born, leopard eating impala, hyena
19 June 2023
elephant, buffalo, giraffe, chameleon
18 June 2023
lions with cubs, leopard, hyena, kudu, crocodile, giraffe, zebra
17 June 2023
wild dogs, elephants, giraffe, crocodiles, hyena
16 June 2023
leopard in a tree with aardvark kill, wild dogs, giraffe, lions, buffalo, elephants
15 June 2023
buffalo, giraffe, zebra, elephants, baboons, crocodile, 4 lioness and 4 cubs
14 June 2023
2 hyena, wild dogs, giraffe, zebra, kudu, elephants, hippo, fish eagle, 4 lioness, 1 lion and 5 cubs, big crocodile on the road
13 June 2023
giraffe, elephants, hippo, buffalo, 2 leopards, zebra, lions on a carcass, hyena, zebra, warthog
12 June 2023
zebra, hippos, crocodiles, elephant, 8 giraffe, impala, kudu, buffalo, 2 male lions, African rock python, leopard with cub up in a tree
11 June 2023
lion feeding on giraffe, leopard, buffalo, elephant, honey badgers
10 June 2023
female lion, giraffe, elephants, buffalo, chameleon, leopard, hyena
09 June 2023
giraffe, elephants, lion, hyena, civet, chameleons, crocodile with a kill, porcupine
08 June 2023
giraffe, elephants, buffalo, crocodiles, hippos, zebra
07 June 2023
2 male lions, lionesses, 2 lion cubs, lots of giraffe, zebras, kudu, hyena, banded mongoose, leopard, hippos, crowned cranes, black mamba, impala
06 June 2023
giraffe, elephants, 2 leopards, hyena, 7 female lioness, 2 male lions and 3 cubs, zebra, hippo, crocodile, impala, kudu, hyena
05 June 2023
lions with cubs, leopard with cub, giraffe, kudu, elephants
04 June 2023
lions with cubs, giraffe fighting, leopard with a cub, crocodiles
03 June 2023
lions attacking buffalo, leopard, buffalo, giraffe, genet, hyena, civet
02 June 2023
lion, leopard, buffalo
01 June 2023
mating leopards, big herd of buffalo, crocodile