31 May 2022
5 lioness, elephants crossing the river, hippos, bush babies, genet, white tailed mongoose
30 May 2022
giraffe, hyena, lots ofelephants, herd of buffalo, vultures, lion
29 May 2022
giraffe, hyena, 2 lions, warthogs, impala, lots of elephants
28 May 2022
giraffe, elephants, warthogs, yellow billed storks, crowned cranes, lots of elephants, genet, 1 leopard, hippos
27 May 2022
1 leopard, 2 male lions, warthogs, zebra, 2 groups of banded mongoose, vultures, 5 wild dogs, elephants, hyena, civet
26 May 2022
crocodile, hippo, puku, impala, warthogs, yellow billed storks
25 May 2022
herd of buffalo, 7 lions including 2 mating pairs, porcupine
24 May 2022
elephants, warthogs, giraffe, 1 leopard, lots of vultures on a dead impala, herd of buffalo, 2 hyena, leopard tortoise
23 May 2022
ground hornbills, elephants, hippos, crocodiles, pair of mating lion, zebra, waterbuck, saddle billed storks, 3 hyena, porcupine, kudu
22 May 2022
5 lions, 22 wild dogs, porcupine, hippo, civet, giraffe
21 May 2022
impala, baboons, puku, warthogs, wild dogs, zebra, giraffe, big herd of buffalo
20 May 2022
2 buffalo herds, martial eagle, western banded snake eagle, giraffe
19 May 2022
warthogs, puku, impala, vultures, crowned crane, 1 male lion, herd of elephant, hippo
18 May 2022
lots of elephants, hippo, impala, puku, chameleon, saddle billed storks, 3 male lions, 1 leopard, spotted eagle owl
17 May 2022
elephants crossing the river, crocodiles, hippos, puku, fish eagle, banded mongoose, leopard, 7 lions, 1 leopard on a baboon kill, marshall eagle on a monitor lizard, cameleon,
16 May 2022
lots of elephants, 11 lions, warthogs, hyena, hippos, fish eagle, genet, elephant shrew
15 May 2022
hippos,kudu, impala, crowned crane, fish eagle, warthog, impala, lots of elephants, kudu, 10 lion on a buffalo kill, white tailed mongoose
14 May 2022
elephants, impala, hippo, puku, buffalo, 2 different leopard sightings, elephant shrew
13 May 2022
lots of hippos, baboons, crowned crane, crocodiles, buffalo, giraffe, waterbuck, elephants, lilac breasted roller, impala, zebra, warthogs
12 May 2022
elephants, hippos, hyena, saddle billed storks, harrier hawk, hyena, lots of birds
11 May 2022
lots of elephants, puku, warthog, yellow billed storks, elephants, hyena, hippos, white tailed mongoose, impala
10 May 2022
elephants, kudu, saddle billed storks, ground hornbills, warthogs
09 May 2022
elephants, zebra, hippos, dwarf mongoose
03 May 2022
5 wild dogs, elephants, impala, puku, waterbuck, lots of birds
02 May 2022
giraffe, elephant, impala, puku, warthogs, yellow billed storks fishing
01 May 2022
elephant, giraffe, hyena, hippo, genet, hippo