Sightings November 2023

25 November 2023
24 November 2023
leopard with a cub on a kill, wild dogs, 3 male lions, white-tailed mongoose
23 November 2023
giraffe, elephants, hippos, kudu, leopard, genet
22 November 2023
elephants, impala, puku
21 November 2023
elephants, zebra, crocodiles, hippo, leopard, kudu, impala
14 November 2023
carmine bee eaters, kudu, elephants crossing the Kapamba river, kudu, civet, genet, 8 lions
13 November 2023
hyena, leopard, crocodiles, hippos
08 November 2023
elephants, giraffe, warthogs, leopard hunting behind a chalet in camp
07 November 2023
lions on a hippo kill, genet, bee eaters, whte tailed mongoose
01 November 2023
The Chamilandu season is done! See you next season!
28 November 2023
The Chindeni season is done! See you next season!
27 November 2023
elephants, hippos, warthogs, genet, civet
26 November 2023
hippos, crocodiles, elephants, warthogs, genet, 2 lions
25 November 2023
elephants, warthogs, impala
24 November 2023
elephants, hippos, warthogs, hippos, leopard, lions, impala
23 November 2023
wild dogs, female leopard, warthogs, hippos, waterbucks, elephants, genets
22 November 2023
hippos, elephants, warthogs, 3 male lions, 7 lioness and cubs
21 November
12 lions on a kill, leopard in a tree, 2 bushpigs, 1 roan antelope, elephants, hippos, Pel's fishing owl, white tailed mongoose, elephant shrew
18 November 2023
hyena, puku, warthogs, giraffe
17 November 2023
giraffe, hippos, genet, mogoose, 2 hyena, elephants, elephant shrew
16 November 2023
elephants, warthogs, hippos, crocodiles, leopard and cub with a puku kill, giraffe
15 November 2023
hippos, crocs 10 lions, buffalo, python, hyena
14 November 2023
duiker, elephants, warthogs
12 November 2023
kudu, elephants, hippos, crocodiles
11 November 2023
leopard, hyena, kudu, bee eaters, elephants, warthogs
09 November 2023
warthogs, elephants
08 November 2023
lions, elephants, warthogs, hippos, civet, honey badger, genet
07 November 2023
lions, elephants, hippos, warthogs, lions with cubs, honey badger, civet, genet
06 November 2023
leopard, lions on a hippo kill, buffalo, warthogs, hippos
05 November 2023
lions on a hippo kill, warthogs, leopard with a puku kill, crocodiles, civet, genet, hippos
04 November 2023
elephants, giraffe, hyena, civet, hippos
30 November 2023
giraffe, elephants, zebra, carmine bee eaters, slender mongoose, buffalo, hyena, bush pigs, giraffe, duiker
29 November 2023
hyena, giraffe, fish eagle, cane rats, genet, hippo
28 November 2023
leopard, zebra, puku, elephant, giraffe, hyena, leopard tortoise, warthogs
27 November 2023
warthogs, ground hornbills, elephants, giraffe, kudu, hyena, 2 Pel's fishing owls, civet, genet, white tailed mongoose
26 November 2023
hyena with cubs, 2 lions, kudus, harrier hawk, ground hornbills, elephants, warthogs with babies, 2 lions, leopard
25 November 2023
leopard tortoise, elephant shrew, slender mongoose, elephants, ground hornbills, zebra, hyena, bushbabies, giraffe
24 November 2023
elephants, leopard with cubs, warthogs, 3 male lions
23 November 2023
elephants, martial eagle, warthogs, wild dogs, ground hornbills, kudus, hippos, waterbucks, 3 male lions, 2 hyena, leopard
22 November 2023
martial eagle catching a monitor lizard, leopard tortoise, elephants, giraffe, warthogs, kudus
21 November 2023
kudu, zebra, waterbuck, giraffe, bushbuck, elephants, roan antelope, hyenas, Pel's fishing owl, 2 different leopard sightings
18 November 2023
warthogs, elephants, hippos, crocodiles, giraffe
17 November 2023
monitor lizard, gish cagle catching fish, kudu, elephants, leopard with a cub, vultures, chameleon, leopard tortoise, warthogs
16 November 2023
kudu, elephants, giraffe, warthogs, a male and female leopard together, waterbuck, zebra, genet, civet, leopard with a cub, bush babies
15 November 2023
elephants, giraffe, kudu, zebra, warthogs, slender mongoose, long crested eagle, 9 lions and cubs
14 November 2023
giraffe, elephants, genet, chameleon, 9 lions and 1 cub
13 November 2023
big herd of buffalo in camp, 57 bird species, leopard, hyena, giraffe, warthogs
12 November 2023
zebra, kudu, warthogs, hippos, crocs waiting for a trapped puku on an island, carmine bee eaters
11 November 2023
leopard in a tree, zebra, warthog, hyena, buffalo
10 November 2023
elephants, zebra, buffalo, warthogs, lioness, leopard in a tree with a kill, lions
09 November 2023
zebra, waterbuck, giraffe, warthog, elephants
08 Novmeber 2023
elephants, zebra, warthogs, kudu, giraffe, buffalo
07 November 2023
lots of elephants, buffalo, giraffe, waterbuck, zebra, banded mongoose, warthogs, zebra, banded mongoose, kudu
06 November 2023
lots of giraffe, zebra, hyena, kudu, warthogs, bushbuck
05 November 2023
giraffe, buffalo, waterbuck, warthogs, bushbuck, kudu, hyena, 2 leopards together, zebra, lions on a hippo kill
04 November 2023
hyena, kudu, warthogs with wartlets, giraffe, zebra, waterbuck
03 November 2023
duiker, roan antelope, zebra, leopard tortoise
02 November 2023
elephants, buffalo, zebra, lots of warthogs and wartlets, puku and impala with baby impalas,giraffe, waterbuck, lions, leopard
01 November 2023
lions, baby impala, wartlets, buffalo herd, crocodiles, zebra, ground hornbills, genet
14 November 2023
The Kuyenda season is done! See you next season!
13 November 2023
birds, warthogs, 2 young male lions, leopard tortoise
12 November 2023
11 lions hunting and killing waterbuck, porcupine, hyena, 8 giraffe, 3 white tailed mongoose, 2 genet, Meller's mongoose, 2 bushveld gerbils
11 November 2023
13 giraffe, hippos, crocs, elephants, genet, bushbaby, hyena
10 November 2023
giraffe, hippo, crocodiles, fish eagle, elephant, female leopard with impala kill in a tree
9 November 2023
12 giraffe, elephants, herd of buffalo, kudu, warthogs, hippo, grysbok, aardvark, mongoose, genet
08 November 2023
warthogs, hippo, elephants, 10 lions, kudu, 3 lion cubs from a different pride, giraffe, fish eagle, buffalo, ground hornbills, carmine bee eaters, crocodile, genet, civet, kudu
07 November 2023
elephants, warthogs, zebra, hippos, pride of lions on a hippo kill, giraffe, 5 lions cubs, banded mongoose, martial eagle, fish eagle, kudu , leopard
06 November 2023
lots of elephants, giraffe, kudu, carmine bee eaters, warthogs with wartlets, hippos, 5 dogs killing and eating a bushbuck, 9 lions on a waterbuck kill, herd of buffalo, genet, civet, 3 lionesses with 6 cubs on a waterbuck kill
05 November 2023
porcupine, hippos, elephants, genet, white tailed mongoose
24 November 2023
giraffe, kudu, slender mongoose, elephants, zebra
23 November 2023
giraffe, civet, elephant shrew
22 November 2023
elephants, hyenas, lesser bushbaby, kudu, hippos, giraffe, civet, elephant shrew
21 November 2023
elephants, waterbuck, hippo, giraffe, warthogs, Pel's fishing owl, puku, impala
20 November 2023
giraffe, elephants, warthogs, hippos, hyena, slender mongoose, banded mongoose, genet
19 November 2023
elephants, giraffe, waterbuck, leopard, lesser bushbaby
10 November 2023
giraffe, elephants, zebra, lioness, kudu, leopard with a kill, lioness, hippo, elephants, warthogs
09 November 2023
zebra, warthogs, giraffe, kudu, elephants, hyena, genet, eastern green snake
08 November 2023
elephants, waterbuck, zebra, lionesses with 1 cub, male lion, giraffe, warthogs, kudu, buffalo, genet
07 November 2023
3 buffalo, lots of elephants, genet, white tailed mongoose
Mfuwe Lodge
30 November 2023
leopards feeding on impala, wild dogs, buffalo, hyena, kudu, giraffe, long-crested eagle, elephants
29 November 2023
2 African Hawk Eagles, giraffe, hippos, leopard, lots of elephants, zebra, puku, impala, crocodiles, buffalo
28 November 2023
leopard tortoise, elephant shrew, leopard, buffalo hyena, leopard, waterbuck, warthogs, giraffe, kudu, elephants, wild dogs, hippos, genet, impala, zebra, Pel's fishing owl
27 November 2023
giraffe, buffalo, zebra, elephants, 2 lion cubs, giraffe, hyena, puku, impala, grass owl, warthogs, 2 leopards, Pel's fishing owl, lions, baboons
26 November 2023
African pitta, wild dogs, elephants, hippos, crocodiles, hippos, zebra, puku, giraffe, kudu, buffalo, big herd of 22 elephants crossing the river, wild dogs, leopard
25 November 2023
elephants, buffalo, crocodiles, hippos, wild dogs, leopard, hyena, warthogs, zebra, puku, impala, Fish eagle, wild dogs hunting, rock python, hyena, lions with cubs on a buffalo kill, elephants having a mud bath, leopard, impalas with young babies
24 November 2023
kudu, buffalo, elephants, hippos, zebra, hyena, giraffe, kudu, impala
23 November 2023
elephants, zebra, giraffe, hippo, hyena, buffalo, warthogs, impala, genets, chameleon
22 November 2023
lots of elephants, giraffe, hippo, zebra, fish eagle, saddle billed storks
21 November 2023
lions with cubs on a buffalo kill, elephants, zebra, hippos, warthogs, kudu, giraffe, leopard with cub, genets, buffalo, 3 bushy tailed mongoose
20 November 2023
leopard, hyena, zebra, pack of 20 wild dogs, elephants, giraffe, puku, kudu, warthogs, hippo, lion with a buffalo kill, crocodiles feeding on a dead hippo
19 November 2023
leopard, hyenas, giraffe, elephants, waterbuck, kudu, genet, civet, zebra, wild dogs
18 November 2023
elephants, zebra, giraffe, hippo, hyena, saddle billed storks, ground hornbills, kudu, crocodiles, genet, hyena, mating pair of leopards
17 November 2023
elephants, warthogs, bushbuck, puku, zebra, buffalo, hippo, giraffe, impala, leopard, hippos, wild dogs, waterbuck
16 November 2023
kudu, elephants, impala, buffalo, giraffe, 2 leopards, giant eagle owl, hyena, leopard with a cub, zebra, lions, warthogs
15 November 2023
black necked spitting cobra, zebra, buffalos, elephants, 6 wild dogs
14 November 2023
hippos, impala, kudu, elephants, giraffe, 3 lions, 6 wild dogs, hyena
13 November 2023
zebra, giraffe, puku, impala, warthogs, lots of elephants, buffalo, crocodiles, hippos, giraffe, leopard
12 November 2023
giraffe, elephants, kudu, zebra, impala, wild dogs, pride of 8 lions, hyena, buffalo, warthogs, impala
11 November 2023
leopard, lion, elephants, giraffe, puku, chameleon, tree squirrel, lions, leopard, civet, lots of hyena, Mozambique spitting cobra, slender mongoose, 2 male kudu, crocodiles feeding on a hippo, porcupine
10 November 2023
elephants walk through reception at the lodge, giraffe, hippo, zebra, hyena, pack of wild dogs, buffalo, wild dogs, leopard
09 November 2023
wild dogs, giraffe, elephants, impala, leopard, lion with cub, waterbuck, buffalo, leopard, hippos, genet killing a snake, 8 lions2 porcupines, kudu
08 November 2023
leopard in a tree, hippos, crocodile, giraffes, zebra, wild dogs, buffalo, impala, elephants crossing the river, baboons, wild dogs, slender mongoose
07 November 2023
giraffe, zebra, lions, buffalo, lions on a waterbuck kill, genet, hyena, puku, impala, genets, elephants, wild dogs, baboons, impala
06 November 2023
lions on a kill, waterbuck, elephants, zebra, giraffe, crocodiles, hippos, leopard, hyena, yellow billed storks, pelicans, kudu, lions with cubs feeding on a kill
05 November 2023
pack of wild dogs, elephants, giraffe, zebra, warthogs, baboons, impala giving birth, carmine bee eaters, leopard cub, kudu, hyena, buffalo
04 November 2023
giraffe, zebra, elephants, slender mongoose, hippos, crocodiles, black mamba snake, buffalo, hippos, crocodiles, impalas, warthogs, Pel's fishing owl, guinea fowls, leopard, genet, hyena, leopard with cub, bushbaby, wildebeest, slender mongoose
03 November 2023
lioness with 2 cubs, elephants, giraffes, hippos, crocodiles, buffaloes, crocodiles, zebra, leopard, kudu, 2 leopards, lioness with very young cubs
02 November 2023
giraffe, warthogs, hippos, crocodiles, pride of 7 lions, elephants, buffalo, lots of elephants mud bathing, zebras, pride of lions with cubs, leopard, bushbaby, hyenas
01 November 2023
leopard with cub, hyena, giraffe, elephants, giraffe, puku, hippo, warthogs, impala
Director's House
28 November 2023
elephants, impala, giraffe, hippo, zebra, bush baby, 6 wild dogs, leopard, genets, Pel's fishing owl
27 November 2023
giraffe, zebra, elephants, hippos, 2 leopards, Pel's fishing owl, buffalos, marabou stork
26 November 2023
6 wild dogs, genet, zebra
25 November 2023
zebra, waterbuck, crocodile, lions on a buffalo kill, 2 hyena, leopard, giraffe, zebra
24 November 2023
leopard, zebra, waterbuck, impala, giraffe
23 November 2023
leopard on a kill with a cub, wild dogs, zebra, elephants, hyena, giraffe, crocodiles, hippos, kudu
22 November 2023
elephants, impala, puku, giraffe, warthogs, hippos, crocodiles, baboons
21 November 2023
elephants, hippos, crocodiles, zebra, leopard, kudu, impala
17 November 2023
elephants, zebra, giraffe, kudu, leopard, impala, baboons, waterbuck, wild dogs, kudu, puku, hyena, genet
16 November 2023
elephants, buffalo, giraffe, zebra, leopard
15 November 2023
elephants, wild dogs, zebra, waterbuck, giraffe, slender mongoose, banded mongoose, buffalo, warthogs
13 November 2023
zebra, elephants, kudu, giraffe, fish eagle, zebra, warthogs, saddle billed stork
11 November 2023
leopard, lions, wild dogs, elephants, giraffe, 2 civets, hippos, impala
10 Novmeber 2023
civet, bushbaby, kudu, elephants, genet, hippos
05 November 2023
wild dogs, elephants, giraffe, buffalo, waterbuck, puku, impala, zebra, impala giving birth, hyena, white tailed mongoose, 2 cameleons, leopard
04 November 2023
elephants, hippos, crocodiles, giraffe, buffalo, 2 leopards, hyenas, warthogs, kudu, leopard with cub
03 November 2023
lioness and cubs, elephants, giraffe, warthogs, zebra, 8 lions, kudu, puku, impala, hyena, Pel's fishing owl, genet, waterbuck
02 November 2023
bufffalo, zebra, warthogs, giraffe, elephants, baby impala, banded mongoose, lions, hyena, elephants, hippos
01 November 2023
2 leopards, buffalo, kudu, elephants crossing the river, 3 hyena, lions, genet