Sightings October 2023

31 October 2023
2 prides of lions, single lioness, mating pair of lions, 4 hyenas with pups, big herd of buffalo, tiny wartlest
30 October 2023
male lion, 3 female lions, leopard on impala kill, baby impala, 6 hyena with 2 pups, giraffe
29 October 2023
3 female lions, wild dogs and pups, giraffe
28 October 2023
elephants, kudu
27 October 2023
leopard, elephants, big herd of buffalo, hyena, genet
26 October 2023
3 lionesses hunting, buffalo herd, elephants, leopard with baby zebra kill, 2 hyena
25 October 2023
pride of lions on a buffalo kill, genet, elephants
24 October 2023
Pel's fishing owl, zebra, elephants, genet, herd of buffalo, lions on a kill
23 October 2023
elephants, zebra, genet, hyena, resident female leopard in camp
22 October 2023
giraffe, carmine bee eaters, male leopard, buffalo
21 October 2023
7 wild dogs, elephants, kudu
18 October 2023
leopard, herd of buffalo, kudu, elephants
17 October 2023
leopard, hyena, buffalo, giraffe, elephants
16 October 2023
leopard on a kill, buffalo, hyena, kudu, elephants
15 October 2023
big herd of buffalo, elephants
14 October 2023
elephants, leopard on an impala kill, 2nd leopard drinking water at the lagoon, 3 elephant shrew
13 October 2023
leopard, porcupine
12 October 2023
giraffes, elephants, kudu, civet, genet, bushbaby
11 October 2023
elephants, 2 leopards, lioness with 6 tiny cubs
10 October 2023
leopard, hyena
07 October 2023
female leopards, carmine bee eaters
06 October 2023
warthogs, lions on an elephant carcass
05 October 2023
lions on an impala kill
04 October 2023
wild dogs, herd of 200 buffalo, leopard, lions, 6 hyenas, genet, civet white tailed mongoose
03 October 2023
wild dogs and pups, male lions, male leopard
02 October 2023
lions, kudu, elephants, wild dogs, civet
01 October 2023
secretary bird, herd of buffalo, zebra, giraffe, martial eagle, warthogs, elephants, wild dogs and pups, civet, genet, kudu, hippo
31 October 2023
elephants, giraffe, wartlets
30 October 2023
leopard, civet, 4 genet, kudu
29 October 2023
10 lionesses, 2 genet, leopard, pennant-winged nightjar, dead aardvark
28 October 2023
10 lions, kudu, giraffe
27 October 2023
7 wild dogs with 5 pups, lions, 2 hyenas, giraffe, bushbaby, elephants
26 October 2023
lions on a buffalo kill, kudu, giraffe, white tailed mongoose
25 October 2023
11 lions on a buffalo kill, giant eagle owl
24 October 2023
7 wild dogs, lion on a buffalo kill, giant eagle owl, hyena, giraffe, kudu
23 October 2023
11 wild dogs, lions, civet, zebra, buffalo, hyena, 2 packs of wild dogs
22 October 2023
7 wild dogs, buffalo herd, kudu, giraffe, snake eagle
20 October 2023
buffalo, giraffe, zebra, western-banded snake eagle
19 October 2023
hyena, giraffe
18 October 2023
buffalo, giraffe, kudu
17 October 2023
2 female leopards, then leopard with 2 cubs, giraffe, zebra
16 October 2023
female leopard with 2 cubs, hyena, civet, 7 lions, martial eagle, buffalo
15 October 2023
buffalo, giraffe, zebra, leopard, civet, 7 lions, fish eagle, western banded snake eagle
14 October 2023
10 lioness, 2 porcupine, genet, civet, leopard, hyenas, giraffe, zebra
13 October 2023
5 lionesses on a buffalo kill, 1 leopard, zebra, giraffe, hyenas, giant eagle owl, bush baby
12 October 2023
2 lionesses, 1 leopard, African hawk eagle, giraffes, zebra, kudus, hyena, white tailed mongoose, genets
11 October 2023
4 lions feeding on a baby hippo, giraffe, kudus,elephants, crowned cranes, ground hornbills, 2 lioness and 4 cubs, zebra, 1 leopard
09 October 2023
2 male lions, 2 lionesses, giraffes, lots of elephants, warthogs, carmine bee eaters
08 October 2023
buffaloes, giraffe, warthogs with piglets, white backed vulture, elephants, kudus, lioness, bush baby
07 October 2023
leopard hunting baby warthog but failed, lions, giraffe, hyena, martial eagle, big herd of buffalo, banded mongoose, hyena
06 October 2023
3 male lions, female at a hippo kill, hyena, genet, carmine bee eaters, giraffe, bushbaby, chameleon
05 October 2023
lions, giraffe, kudu, elephants at the hide, warthogs, 11 lions including cubs, carmine bee eaters, civet, genet
04 October 2023
elephants, buffalo herd, impala kill in a tree, ground hornbills, civet, kudu
03 October 2023
leopard with impala kill, 5 lions - females with cubs, kudu, genet, hyena, big tortoise on land
02 October 2023
3 lions, 13 wild dogs, 3 hyena, civet, genet, leopard
01 October 2023
7 wild dogs with 3 pups, grysbok, 7 ground hornbill, carmine bee eaters
31 October 2023
carmine bee eaters, warthogs, hippo
30 October 2023
elephants, kudu, giraffe
29 October 2023
8 lions, giraffe, elephants, kudu
28 October 2023
10 lions, elephants, genet, hippo
27 October 2023
elephants, buffalo, giraffe, genet
23 October 2023
lions, wild dogs, elephants, kudu, hippo, 2 groups of wild dogs fighting, genet
22 October 2023
elephants, kudu, giraffe, hippos, crocodiles, bush baby, genet
21 October 2023
elephants, giraffe, hippo, kudu, warthogs
20 October 2023
wild dogs, elephants, giraffe, mongoose, crocodiles, hippos
19 October 2023
wild dogs, lions, giraffe, elephants, kudu, mongoose, genet
18 October 2023
wild dogs, leopard, giraffe, hyena, elephants, kudu
17 October 2023
leopard, giraffe, buffalo, elephants, hyena
16 October 2023
100+ pelicans fishing, giraffe, carmine bee eaters, big herd of buffalo, crocodiles
15 October 2023
buffalo, elephants, impala kill in a tree, black bellied bustard
13 October 2023
lots of elephants drinking at the lagoon, 2 Pel's fishing owl, impala, carmine bee eater colony, 3 hyena, buffalo
12 October 2023
leopard, elephants, giraffe, kudu, hippos, civet, genet
11 October 2023
elephants, giraffe, hippos, kudus, warthogs, lionesses with 4 new cubs, hippos
10 October 2023
2 leopards, giraffe, elephants, kudu, warthogs, civet, genet
09 October 2023
lions, kudus, elephants, giraffe, impala, 2 leopards, hippos
08 October 2023
giraffe, mongoose, warthogs, hippo
07 October 2023
lions, giraffes, elephants, kudus, hippos
06 October 2023
lions on a hippo kill, elephants, giraffes, kudus, carmine bee eaters, genets
05 October 2023
lions near camp, giraffe, kudu, buffalo, warthogs, lions on a kill, hippo, genet
04 October 2023
elephants, giraffe, hippos, warthogs, kudu, hyena, civet, hippo, genet
03 October
dogs, elephants, lions, buffalo
31 October 2023
lions, hyena, giraffe, herd of buffalo, kudu, genet, elephants
30 October 2023
leopard, elephants, giraffe, buffalo, genet, bushbabies, martial eagle
29 October 2023
lioness, slender mongoose, giraffe, elephants, leopard killing an impala, kudu
28 October 2023
African grass owl, leopard, 3 lions on warthog kill, buffalo, elephants, kudu, pennant-winged nightjar
27 October 2023
buffalo, zebra, hyena, martial eagle, ground hornbills, giraffe, genet, leopard, Pel's fishing owl, elephanats
25 October 2023
lions on a buffalo kill, herd of buffalo, leopard, genet, zebra, kudu, hyena, leopard with a cub on a monkey kill
24 October 2023
zebra, elephants, warthogs, ground hornbills, saddle billed stork, baboons, puku, hippos, 1 male lion on a buffalo kill, giraffes,kudus, 2 lions
23 October 2023
giraffe, elephants, zebra, kudu, 2 different packs of wild dogs, hyena, slender mongoose, buffalo
22 October 2023
giraffe, kudu, zebra, buffalo, warthog, fish eagle, elephants, hyena, grysbok, slender mongoose, Martial eagle, secretary bird,
21 October 2023
6 wild dogs, elephants, giraffe, 2 male lions, kudu, hyena, bushbaby
20 October 2023
kudu, buffalo, giraffe, python, hyena, elephants, 2 honey badgers together, genet, pied kingfisher with fish
19 October 2023
kudu, wild dogs, leopard, warthog babies, kudu, elephants, buffalo
18 October 2023
6 wild dogs, leopard, buffalo, zebra, hyena, black-shouldered kite, kudu
17 October 2023
buffalo herds, hyena, zebra, giraffe
16 October 2023
leopard with a kill in a tree, zebra, birds, buffalo herd
15 October 2023
leopard with a kill in a tree, bush pigs, big herd of buffalo, genet, elephant shrew
13 October 2023
elephants, hippos, giraffe
12 October 2023
elephants, warthogs, secretary bird, big herd of buffalo, kudus, impala, puku, 2 lesser bushbabies
11 October 2023
elephants, hippos, hyenas, giraffe, kudu, giraffes, zebra 7 wild dogs and 6 pups
10 October 2023
leopard in a tree, hyenas, elephants, warthogs, hippo, kudus, 3 lions, zebra, giraffe
09 October 2023
big herd of elephants through camp, zebra, warthogs, big herd of male kudus, 2 hyenas
08 October 2023
Pel's fishing owl, elephants, zebra, hyenas, hippos, giraffes, carmine bee eaters, warthogs, hippos
07 October 2023
elephants, zebra, leopard, lilac braseted roller, giraffe, kudu, water buck, elephant shrew
06 October 2023
kudu, elephants, buffalo, giraffe, hyena, martial eagle, hyena, malachite kingfisher, zebra, 8 lions, wild dogs
05 October 2023
kudu, zebra, elephants, buffalo herd, 3 lions, wild dogs with their pups, giraffe, carmine bee eaters, wild dogs hunting an impala, slender mongoose, warthogs, 11 lions, banded mongoose
04 October 2023
kudu, buffalo, zebra, wild dogs, lions, elephants, bushbabies, hyenas attacking a lioness
03 October 2023
wild dogs, lions, buffalo, elephants, zebra, ground hornbill
02 October 2023
wild dogs, 3 lions, martial eagle, big herd of buffalo
01 October 2023
wild dogs and pups, hyena, giraffe, elephants, buffalo, hippo
27 October 2023
2 lionesses with 5 cubs, wild dogs, 2 hyenas, giaraffe, warthgos, carmine bee eaters
26 October 2023
giraffe, elephants, yellow billed storks, kudu, buffalo, zebra, giant eagle owl, 11 wild dogs, 2 lioness with 5 cubs, 2 young male lions, civet
25 October 2023
giraffe, 11 wild dogs, male lion on a buffalo kill, elephants, water buck, 2 lions on a baby hippo kill, hyena
24 October 2023
5 lions, 6 hyena on a dead hippo, lots of crocodiles, giraffe, zebra, kudu, buffalo, leopard, white tailed mongoose
23 October 2023
3 lions, elephants, zebra, hyena, big herd of buffalo, 4 hyenas on a hippo kill, giraffe, lots of crocodiles
22 October 2023
6 giraffe, martial eagle, 11 wild dogs chasing hyena, crocodile, vultures, genet, porcupine, male leopard, giant eagle owl
21 October 2023
martial eagle with bushy-tailed mongoose kill, Pel's fishing owl, spitting cobra, giraffe, elephants, zebra
20 October 2023
4 lions hunting buffalo, male leopard in a tree, dwarf mongoose, carmine bee eaters, giraffe, elephants
19 October 2023
giraffe, hippo, elephants, vultures, hyena, buffalo, civet, genet
18 October 2023
giraffe, honey badger, Pel's fishing owl, leopard drinking, kudu
16 October 2023
7 lions, giraffe, kudu, hyena, buffalo herd, elephants
15 October 2023
big herd of buffalo, giraffe, elephants, 7 lions, warthogs, aardvark, kudu
14 October 2023
giraffe, kudus, elephants, 7 lions, leopard, impala, Pel's fishing owl, civet, white tailed mongoose
13 October 2023
8 lions, giraffe, kudu, 10 hyena, big herd of buffalo, 2 leopards, zebra, baboons
12 October 2023
lots of elephants, 7 lions on a buffalo kill, 2 herd of buffalo, 1 leopard, kudus, giraffe, 2 leopards, zebra
11 October 2023
big herd of buffalo, kudus, puku
10 October 2023
leopard, elephants, zebra, genet, hyenas, Pels fishing owl, big herd of buffalo, yellow billed storks
09 October 2023
giraffe, kudus, waterbucks, elephants crossing the river, 10 lions on a buffalo kill, herd of buffalo, zebra, leopard, Pel's fishing owl
08 October 2023
lots of elephants, zebra, giraffe, water buck, male leopard, carmine bee eaters, buffalo, warthogs, ground hornbills, male leopard in a tree, bushbaby, female leopard
07 October 2023
giraffe, herd of buffalo, hyena, kudu, zebra, leopard, civet, giraffe
06 October 2023
baboons, warthogs, 7 lions, leopard, large herd of buffalo, elephants, zebra, kudu
05 October 2023
hippo, giraffe, zebra, lions, leopard, warthogs, leopard jumping into a tree, Pel's fishing owl, kudu, vultures, civet, leopard hunting
04 October 2023
buffalo, fish eagle, kudus, hippo, elephants, leopard, zebra, leopard in a tree, 3 hyena, lion cubs, giraffe, giant eagle owl, carmine bee eaters, hippos, 7 lions
03 October 2023
7 lions, giraffe, buffalo herd, Meller's mongoose, elephants
02 October 2023
leopard, giraffe, kudu, 2 lions with cubs, wild dogs, hyena
01 October 2023
elephants, kudu, baboons, waterbuck, zebra, hippos, 2 leopards, civet, giraffe, buffalo, grysbok, genet
26 October 2023
elephants, buffalo, zebra, kudu, hyena, 3 lionesses, big male leopard with a baby zebra kill in a tree
25 October 2023
elephants, buffalo, kudus, zebra, roan antelope, warthogs, hippos, leopard with a cub, hyena
24 October 2023
big herd of buffalo, zebra, waterbuck, elephants, hyena,
21 October 2023
7 wild dogs, hyena, kudu, giraffe, elephants
20 October 2023
4 hyena, Pel's fishing owl, elephants, kudu, zebra
19 October 2023
leopard, zebra, elephants, giraffe, bushbaby, buffalo
15 October 2023
elephants, zebra, kudus, warthogs, leopard with a kill in a tree, Pel's fishing owl, waterbuck, giant eagle owl, 4 hyenas
14 October 2023
zebra, elephants, kudu, Pel's fishing owl, Secretary bird
13 October 2023
buffalo, zebra, elephants, waterbuck, slender mongoose, white tailed mongoose, bushy tailed mongoose
12 October 2023
elephants, buffalo, zebra, giraffe, warthogs, kudu, secretary bird, waterbuck, carmine bee eater colony
11 October 2023
giraffe, zebra, elephants, carmine bee eaters, Pel's fishing owl, warthogs, buffalo, genet, big male leopard
10 October 2023
lots of elephants, zebra, buffalo, Pel's fishing owl, giraffe, kudu, warthogs, leopard, bushbaby, puku
09 October 2023
elepahts, buffalo, kudu, banded mongoose, 5 hyenas
07 October 2023
elephants, zebra, leopard, water buck, hippos, buffalo, kudus
06 October 2023
elephants, buffalo, kudu, wild dogs, hyena, bush pigs, banded mongoose, 3 lions on a hippo kill
05 October 2023
big herd of buffalo, elephants, zebra, 7 wild dogs with 6 pups
04 October 2023
big herd of buffalo, elephants, zebra, 7 wild dogs with 6 pups
03 October 2023
3 male lions, elephants, buffalo, giraffe, zebra
02 October 2023
wild dogs, buffalo, kudu, hyena
01 October 2023
elephants, zebra, buffalo, wild dogs and 6 pups, 5 hyenas, leoaprd, genet
Mfuwe Lodge
31 October 2023
leopard, wild dogs, hyena, giraffe, male lion, elephants
30 October 2023
baby giraffe, leopard, kudu, civet, buffalo, zebra
29 October 2023
leopard, elephants, giant eagle owl eating a snake, genet, giraffe
28 October 2023
leopard with an impala kill, elephants, hyena, hippos, giraffe, buffalo, wild dogs
27 October 2023
wild dogs, elephants, giraffe, hippos, crocodiles, buffalo, snake eagle, zebra, impala, warthogs with piglets, 7 lions, crowned cranes, carmine bee eaters, crocodiles
26 October 2023
leopard, giraffe, elephants, zebra, buffalo, hippos, kudu, African snake eagle, waterbuck, slender mongoose, first baby impala, leopard tortoise, chameleon, warthogs, vultures, pied kingfisher, fish eagle
25 October 2023
giraffe, leopard, elephants, hippo, impala, lots of elephants, hyena, waterbuck, crown crane, wild dogs, buffalo, banded mongoose, Pel's fishing owl
24 October 2023
pride of lions with cubs, lots of crocodiles feeding on a dead hippo, giraffe, zebra, warthogs, elephants, Pel's fishing owl, chameleon, leopard, giant eagle owl, porcupine
23 October 2023
giraffe, warthogs, hyena, elephants, buffalo, lioness with cubs, leopard in a tree, hyenas on a buffalo kill, hippos, crocodiles, leopard hunt a puku and then took it up a tree, 12 hyena feeding on a buffalo kill, baboons playing
22 October 2023
leopard, giraffes with babies, elephants, lion, hyena, buffalo
21 October 2023
pride of lions with cubs, zebra, elephants, wild dogs, giraffe, buffalo, vultures
20 October 2023
lions on a buffalo kill, elephants, leopard, serval, carmine bee eaters,
19 October 2023
lions hunting, elephants and babies, python, huge herd of buffalo
18 October 2023
leopard, lions with cubs, elephants, hippos, giraffe
17 October 2023
wild dogs taking down puku, lions, giraffe, warthog babies, elephants, buffalo
16 October 2023
wild dogs, elephants, zebra, Pel's fishing owl, lions with cubs
15 October 2023
elephants, buffalo, zebra, giraffe, leopard, pride of lions with cubs, bush babies, hippos, genets, 2 honey badgers, lions with a buffalo kill
14 October 2023
big herd of buffalo, bride of ions, zebra, elephants, hyenas, zebra, hippos, giraffe, waterbuck
13 October 2023
wild dogs, elephants, zebra, giraffe, bushbuck, warthogs, waterbuck, kudu, sleeping elephant, leopard with a cub, small python, civet, hippos, genet, tawny eagle
12 October 2023
lions, hyenas, buffaloes, vultures, leopard, big herd of elephants, zebras, waterbucks, hippos, crocodiles, kudus
11 October 2023
pride of lions with cubs, wild dogs, elephants, crocodiles, hippos, big herd of buffalo, giraffe, warthogs with piglets, hyenas, 2 leopards, genets, barn owl, genets, vultures
10 October 2023
lionesses with cubs, warthogs with piglets, lots of giraffe, big crocodile, herd of buffalo, 2 hyena, vultures, carmine bee eaters, big male kudu
09 October 2023
pride of lions on a buffalo kill, elephants, giraffe, zebra, leopard hunt an impala, genets,herd of buffalo, 6 wild dogs, hyena, crocodiles, hippos
08 October 2023
elephants drinking, hippo, lions, lots of vultures, carmine bee eaters, 16 lions, buffalo, giraffe, crocodiles, leopard with a kill in the tree
07 October 2023
lions, elephants, zebra, hippo, leopard, warthogs, buffalo, giraffe, hyena
06 October 2023
leopard and cub, lots of giraffe, elephants, zebra, kudu, impala, hyena, buffalo, hippos, civet, crocodiles
05 October 2023
buffalo, elephants, leopard, hippos, crocodiles, pride of lions and cubs, giraffe, zebra, over 700 buffalo herd, hyena, honey badger, warthogs, fish eagle
04 October 2023
2 lions with cubs, buffalo, big herd of elephants, zebra, giraffe, leopard, elephant shrew, big pride of lions with cubs, crocodiles feeding on dead hippos, carmine bee eaters, hyenas, crocodiles
03 October 2023
leopard, lion, buffalo, hippo, elephant, giraffe, banded mongoose, genet, civet, warthogs, zebra, crocodiles
02 October 2023
leopard, 2 male lions, 6 lionesses with cubs, crocodiles, genet, elephants
01 October 2023
pride of lions, buffalo, elephants, lots of giraffe, hippos, zebra, leopard, civet, warthogs, giant eagle owl, kudu, crocodiles,
Director's House
31 October 2023
2 leopards, 2 genets, 2 big bull elephants swimming, 2 porcupines
29 October 2023
elephants, zebra, genet, kudu, crowned eagle
22 October 2023
leopard, hyena, giraffe, elephants, fighting hippo
21 October 2023
wild dogs, elephants, lions, zebra, leopard and cub with a kill in a tree, mongoose
20 October 2023
lions, zebras, vultures, kudu, hyena, hippos, genet, giraffe
18 October 2023
2 leopards, vultures, warthog babies, elephants crossing the river, mongoose
17 October 2023
lionesses and 2 male lions, giraffe, elephants
15 October 2023
lions, elephants, zebra, giraffe
14 October 2023
10 wild dogs, 2 leopards, pride of lions, elephants, giraffe, zebra, lions on a buffalo kill, giraffe, hippos, civet
13 October 2023
10 wild dogs, 2 leopards, lots of lions, elephants, giraffe, zebra, lions on a buffalo kill, hippos, civet
12 October 2023
2 prides of lions with cubs, kudus, banded mongoose, elephants, zebra, giraffe, hippos, elephants bathing, banded mongoose, 3 leopards
11 October 2023
buffalo, lions, giraffe, zebra, elephants, 2 hyena, 10 wild dogs, leopard, genet, giraffe, white tailed mongoose
10 October 2023
giraffe, 21 lions, 2 leopards, zebra, waterbuck, kudu, elephants, warthogs, vultures, hyenas,
09 October 2023
7 lions on a buffalo kill, giraffe, elephants, crocodile with a black necked spitting cobra, zebra, leopard, vultures, genet, buffalo
08 October 2023
leopard, lions, giraffe, hyena, buffalo, elephants, hippos
07 October 2023
lion, warthogs with piglets, giraffes, buffalo, hippos, elephants, zebra, 16 lions, leopard
06 October 2023
lots of giraffe, buffalo, elephants, crocodile, zebra, kudus, 2 lions feeding on a buffalo, waterbuck, 3 leopards, hyena
05 October 2023
2 male lions, buffalo, lots of giraffe, elephants, zebra, banded mongoose, chameleon, kudus, hippos
04 October 2023
lions, buffalo, zebra, giraffe, elephants, hyena, civet
03 October 2023
lions, buffalo, zebra, giraffe, elephants, kudu, warthogs, hippos, African rock python, porcupine, chameleon, leopard hunting
02 October 2023
buffalo, banded mongoose, giraffe, kudu, zebra, chameleon, leopard hunting
01 October 2023
18 lions, leopard, buffalo, zebra, warthogs, carmine bee eaters, banded mongoose, giraffes, kudus, hippos, crocodile eating a warthog, slender mongoose