31 October 2023
leopard, wild dogs, hyena, giraffe, male lion, elephants
30 October 2023
baby giraffe, leopard, kudu, civet, buffalo, zebra
29 October 2023
leopard, elephants, giant eagle owl eating a snake, genet, giraffe
28 October 2023
leopard with an impala kill, elephants, hyena, hippos, giraffe, buffalo, wild dogs
27 October 2023
wild dogs, elephants, giraffe, hippos, crocodiles, buffalo, snake eagle, zebra, impala, warthogs with piglets, 7 lions, crowned cranes, carmine bee eaters, crocodiles
26 October 2023
leopard, giraffe, elephants, zebra, buffalo, hippos, kudu, African snake eagle, waterbuck, slender mongoose, first baby impala, leopard tortoise, chameleon, warthogs, vultures, pied kingfisher, fish eagle
25 October 2023
giraffe, leopard, elephants, hippo, impala, lots of elephants, hyena, waterbuck, crown crane, wild dogs, buffalo, banded mongoose, Pel's fishing owl
24 October 2023
pride of lions with cubs, lots of crocodiles feeding on a dead hippo, giraffe, zebra, warthogs, elephants, Pel's fishing owl, chameleon, leopard, giant eagle owl, porcupine
23 October 2023
giraffe, warthogs, hyena, elephants, buffalo, lioness with cubs, leopard in a tree, hyenas on a buffalo kill, hippos, crocodiles, leopard hunt a puku and then took it up a tree, 12 hyena feeding on a buffalo kill, baboons playing
22 October 2023
leopard, giraffes with babies, elephants, lion, hyena, buffalo
21 October 2023
pride of lions with cubs, zebra, elephants, wild dogs, giraffe, buffalo, vultures
20 October 2023
lions on a buffalo kill, elephants, leopard, serval, carmine bee eaters,
19 October 2023
lions hunting, elephants and babies, python, huge herd of buffalo
18 October 2023
leopard, lions with cubs, elephants, hippos, giraffe
17 October 2023
wild dogs taking down puku, lions, giraffe, warthog babies, elephants, buffalo
16 October 2023
wild dogs, elephants, zebra, Pel's fishing owl, lions with cubs
15 October 2023
elephants, buffalo, zebra, giraffe, leopard, pride of lions with cubs, bush babies, hippos, genets, 2 honey badgers, lions with a buffalo kill
14 October 2023
big herd of buffalo, bride of ions, zebra, elephants, hyenas, zebra, hippos, giraffe, waterbuck
13 October 2023
wild dogs, elephants, zebra, giraffe, bushbuck, warthogs, waterbuck, kudu, sleeping elephant, leopard with a cub, small python, civet, hippos, genet, tawny eagle
12 October 2023
lions, hyenas, buffaloes, vultures, leopard, big herd of elephants, zebras, waterbucks, hippos, crocodiles, kudus
11 October 2023
pride of lions with cubs, wild dogs, elephants, crocodiles, hippos, big herd of buffalo, giraffe, warthogs with piglets, hyenas, 2 leopards, genets, barn owl, genets, vultures
10 October 2023
lionesses with cubs, warthogs with piglets, lots of giraffe, big crocodile, herd of buffalo, 2 hyena, vultures, carmine bee eaters, big male kudu
09 October 2023
pride of lions on a buffalo kill, elephants, giraffe, zebra, leopard hunt an impala, genets,herd of buffalo, 6 wild dogs, hyena, crocodiles, hippos
08 October 2023
elephants drinking, hippo, lions, lots of vultures, carmine bee eaters, 16 lions, buffalo, giraffe, crocodiles, leopard with a kill in the tree
07 October 2023
lions, elephants, zebra, hippo, leopard, warthogs, buffalo, giraffe, hyena
06 October 2023
leopard and cub, lots of giraffe, elephants, zebra, kudu, impala, hyena, buffalo, hippos, civet, crocodiles
05 October 2023
buffalo, elephants, leopard, hippos, crocodiles, pride of lions and cubs, giraffe, zebra, over 700 buffalo herd, hyena, honey badger, warthogs, fish eagle
04 October 2023
2 lions with cubs, buffalo, big herd of elephants, zebra, giraffe, leopard, elephant shrew, big pride of lions with cubs, crocodiles feeding on dead hippos, carmine bee eaters, hyenas, crocodiles
03 October 2023
leopard, lion, buffalo, hippo, elephant, giraffe, banded mongoose, genet, civet, warthogs, zebra, crocodiles
02 October 2023
leopard, 2 male lions, 6 lionesses with cubs, crocodiles, genet, elephants
01 October 2023
pride of lions, buffalo, elephants, lots of giraffe, hippos, zebra, leopard, civet, warthogs, giant eagle owl, kudu, crocodiles,