In Zambia’s iconic South Luangwa National Park, The Bushcamp Company operates six exclusive Bushcamps in the remote south of the park, as well as the award -winning Mfuwe Lodge just inside the main park gate. Set out from any of these secluded, intimate camps and you will be guaranteed an unrivalled wildlife experience in one of the last unspoilt wilderness regions of Africa – the very place where the African walking safari was pioneered.
Each of our six bushcamps is set in glorious surroundings and can accommodate a maximum of just eight guests, ensuring that your stay is a peaceful one and tailored to your personal needs.
Jo Robinson, UK
As part of The Bushcamp Company’s commitment to the wildlife and people of the South Luangwa, we work closely with the expanding local community, and with conservation organisations, to develop projects that help conserve precious resources, support education, and generate a sustainable source of income to those who live around the Park.